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Provider Spotlight: John F. Hull, D.O.

Provider Spotlight:  John F. Hull, D.O.

“The best thing about working at Island Doctors is the focus on good health and preventative care.”

– John F. Hull, D.O.

 Dr. Hull has been with Island Doctors for the past 8 years and is currently serving our patients in Crescent City.  One thing you might be surprised to learn about Dr. Hull is that he likes to drive high performance cars in his free time!  His other hobbies include exercise and diet to feel good, beach and boating to calm the mind, and travel for fun and relaxation.  Dr. Hull also enjoys target shooting.  The accomplishment that he is most proud of is becoming a physician.  When asked what advice he would give patients he said:  “Take charge of your health. Become pro-active and make the life changes to feel good and reduce your risk of disease.”

We are proud to call Dr. Hull one of our own, here at Island Doctors.

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