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Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

“Martial Arts assisted with personal protection, self- discipline, and confidence.  It is a sport that all members of the family could participate in and allows the opportunity for everyone to excel at different levels.”  -Roy H. Hinman II, M.D.

Dr. Hinman has always been a family man with a passion for martial arts.  There was no hesitation when one of his kids was being bullied at school to enroll them and the whole family into martial arts.  It’s an empowering activity the entire family could do together for self-defense, self-discipline, and as a confidence booster.  To this day, as adults, his children are able to utilize these valuable tools they learned.

As a father, physician, and a retired colonel in the military, he understands the significance of martial arts and the importance to be able to take care of yourself physically and mentally.  He now has implemented this into his practice by adding tai chi classes for his patients.  To take advantage of this benefit that Dr. Hinman offers please call Katie Monahan for any questions and to sign up (904) 540-8257.

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