
Ejercicio y actividades

Why tai chi?

Why tai chi?

Tai chi is a mind body practice. It is an exercise originating in ancient China. We practice tai chi at  Island Doctors because of the many health benefits for our patients. The flowing movements are learned and then can be refined and practiced for a lifetime.  Studies have shown tai chi relives pain, improves muscular strength, flexibility, and improves balance. Most people can benefit from these classes and they can be modified to your current activity level. Simply show up and do what you can, letting go of judgement and any ideas about what you can not do. The more you practice this activity the better you will feel. 


“Let true affection and happy concourse abide in this hall. Let us here correct our past mistakes and lose preoccupation with self. With the constancy of the planets in their courses or of the dragon in his cloud wrapped path, let us enter the land of health and ever after walk within its bounds”.  CHENG MAN CHING

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