
Key Facts You Need to Know
As a Humana Gold Member, all flu shots are no cost to you! No appointment is needed.
With flu season upon us, here are the main facts you need to know to be informed and prepared. According to the CDC, the flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat and sometimes lungs. It can come on rather suddenly and the most common symptoms include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, congestion, body aches, chills, fatigue and sometimes nausea and vomiting. This is your immune system hard at work, and depending on how strong your natural defenses are (i.e. antibodies) determines how well your body can fight it off. Flu symptoms can become very serious leading to hospitalization when complications arise such as pneumonia or congestive heart failure. Once you’ve contracted the flu, you are most contagious within the first 2-4 days after the illness begins. It is most commonly spread through the air, in small saliva droplets when people talk, sneeze or cough.
What are the best ways to prevent the flu?
The first thing you can do to increase your chances of making it through the season without getting the flu, would be to come in and get your flu shot. Receiving flu vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu related illnesses and the risk of serious complications that can lead to hospitalizations or even death. It is recommended by the CDC that all healthy persons over the age of six months receive the flu vaccine. Receiving vaccines trigger our bodies’ natural immune systems to kick in, creating antibodies intended to neutralize the foreign antigens, or toxins, present.
Can the vaccine protect you even if you contract a strain not included in your flu shot?
The great thing about antibodies is that they also tend to work on viruses related to the ones for which they are intended. Each year, flu vaccines are created specifically for the strains expected to be circulating that year, so there is a possibility that some people may contract a virus not included in the vaccine they received. And while this may result in the vaccine being “less effective” for that individual, it may still be able to provide some protection. Most vaccines made today include three to four different flu viruses, so even though you could still catch another strain, the vaccine can still protect you from the versions included in the shot. If you have any questions or would like to receive a flu vaccine, call an Island Doctors’ office today to schedule an appointment with one of our providers. Health Improvement Starts Here!
For more information from the CDC, click this link below.