Excerise and SilverSneakers

“Remember that any exercise is better than no exercise.”
Did you know with Humana you can take advantage of SilverSneakers classes with no cost to you? SilverSneakers has several workout classes designed for seniors of all fitness levels and led by trained instructors. Don’t know which one is suitable for you? There’s one class in particular we think would be great for you to start out with: SilverSneakers Classic Class- designed to increase muscle strength, range of movement and improve activities for daily living. A chair is used for seated exercises and standing support and class can be modified depending on fitness levels. Our goal is to help you be aware of your benefits like SilverSneakers and to help you stay strong with your body, mind, and spirit. Regular physical activity keeps your heart, brain, bones, muscles, and joints healthy. To find participating fitness locations, use this link to find your nearest location. https://tools.silversneakers.com/LocationSearch
If you prefer to try it in the comfort of your own home, use this link to log in to create your online account to get access to our on-demand video library of classes and workouts like SilverSneakers Classic Class. https://tools.silversneakers.com/Account/Login